Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I made it to the press! :P

Look at that!
As the start date draws near and my mechanics are working hard on the last tuning of the car (it seems there was some problem with the lubrication of one of the brakes, better avoid an ending like last year's), I found a picture of mine on the Metaverse Messenger.

Of course it wasn't a surprise, since I was asked to pose for it, but it's still awesome that I've been considered for such an honor just a couple weeks after my return (not to mention that the publisher is quite the beauty, but that's another story, i'm weak, i know :P).
The Metaverse Messenger is definately a well-made and well-written newspaper, expecially in an universe (the internet) where most of such enterprises already do well if they manage to keep up with release dates without slipping. I learned about it by chance, but I liked it so much that now i don't miss an issue. It's another step to bring SL close to RL (where you wake up in the morning, go out for breakfast before working and stop by to get your newspaper) and the people that know me for sure know that this is one of the things i whole-heartedly appreciate.

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