Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A little delay in the opening of the new Musashi-do shop

Unfortunately due to a loss in the family (my grandma just passed away at the venerable age of 101) my working schedules have been pretty much messed up, since i had of take care of her and my relatives.

The opening of the commercial part (the ones with the clothes basically) of the new shop will be delayed of a few days, and will probably happen around the second half of this week (in the worst case during the week end), and finaly the newest musashi-do creations will be released.

Also stay tuned, because a new Musashi-do project is about to start, and you'll be able to earn free musashi-do gift cards while helping research on many illnesses. Stay tuned for more news on the matter when the shop will be actually open.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear of your lose.

    I just found your blog while looking for Fuchikoma and left a comment about the Fuchikoma blog you had and a possible blue one. I didn't get to your home page until now to hear about the bad news.

    Again, Sorry.
